Monday, June 2, 2008

How to get rid of body acne

What is more likely to see in a group of teenagers other than a high school crush? Easy answer: acne! Every teenager has it on one form or another and sometimes it doesn't go with age. It just carries into their adult life with effects serious enough to see a doctor. In North America youngsters spend an incredible amount of money on acne treatments.
A good herbal face wash option is chickweed tea. Dissolve chickweed capsules in warm water, then bathe the face with it and rinse. Chickweed is also wonderful to use as a bath soak for other sores, rashes, boils, and burns.
Another reason why antibiotics will not work for long term is because when it is prescribed overtime; bacteria will build up resistance against it. Thus, using oral antibiotics as a long-term acne treatment sounds illogical.
tags: acne pics types, cystic acne on the back, how to stop acne forever

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