Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne pills and birth control pills and how to overcome acne permanently

Nowadays a new up-to-date solution for the acne problem has appeared. Acnezine is a revolutionary medication that unlike customary topical treatments works from inside out, healing even bad acne. Acnezine is a complex and managed care for the entire skin. This means that it heals not only pimples and blemishes that you already have but prevents the future outbreaks the existence of which you may not even suspect yet. This of course is Acnezine's considerable benefit. Topical skin care treatments are aimed at the already existing problems only and usually are narrowly specialized, so getting the whole set of pretty bottles (tonic for blackheads, scrub for blemishes, gel for pimples etc.) that you need to apply to problem parts of your skin twice a day is rather a costly matter.
We all agree as far as common sense dictates that a well balanced diet is good in fact ideal for living well (this also includes the skin) But eating your chocolates, pizza and all those "junk" has not been scientifically proven to cause Acne.
So I found a date that I could spare 3 days and started the fasting ritual. After 3 days my acne seemed only a little better, but then on the 4th day (after I had finished) I awoke to clear skin. Yes, acne free in 3 days works...
tags: types of acne at the base of your hailine, acne weight gain dry hair swollen face, how to get rid of pimples and acne by food

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